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5 Facts on the Murder of Indians by Europeans

The Americans we know today come from various tribes and races. However, did you know that there used to be a Native American tribe? They are an Indian tribe.

However, they were slaughtered by Europeans. This massacre was claimed even more cruel than the massacre carried out by the Nazis. It is estimated that there were 50-100 million Indian inhabitants who were slaughtered at that time. Then, what are the facts about the massacre of Indian tribes? Following the review.

1. Europeans want to control American soil

Since long time ago, Europeans have been known as people who like to carry out expeditions outside Europe, one of which is Christopher Columbus. He made an expedition to the American plains to expand the territory.

Columbus thought that the American plains were areas that had no inhabitants. However, after arriving, it turns out he found Indians in the American plains. However, that did not dampen his intention to control the American territory.

2. To rule America, the Europeans wanted to drive out Indian tribes

Initially, Columbus was welcomed by Indian tribes. The only way to control the American territory is by expelling Indians.

Knowing Columbus's bad intentions, the Indians felt threatened. Finally, Indian tribes began to fight with Europeans. As a result, a number of Columbus's fleet was sunk by Indians.

3. Massacres committed by Europeans

To be able to control the American territory, eventually the Europeans began to fight. They began to slaughter Indian tribes.

To seize American territory, Europeans used sophisticated weapons to carry out resistance. Meanwhile, Indian tribes only use traditional weapons so that many people from Indian tribes are killed.

4. Spread of the seeds of deadly diseases by Europeans

To seize the American plains from the Indians, Europeans did not only wage war. They also spread the seeds of disease to Indian tribes.

This spread was carried out through mice that were spread to Indian tribal residents. Many Indian tribes are affected by epidemics of dangerous diseases such as typhus and leptospirosis. The spread of this outbreak made the population of the Indian tribes immediately reduced drastically.

5. The Europeans finally gradually gained control of the American territory

After a long war, Europeans in America experienced an increase in population. Meanwhile, the Indian population is decreasing.

Since the United States began on July 4, 1776, Europeans have continued to carry out massacres. That's because the Indians do not want to leave the American territory.

Because of the declining population of Indian tribes, this caused the Europeans to finally gain control of the American territory slowly.

That is the fact of the massacre of Indian tribes carried out by Europeans. In fact, before Europeans came to America, Indians lived in peace.

However, everything changed after the Europeans came to America. Indian tribes slaughtered by Europeans in order to control America. So, at this time the United States was created as a result of European colonization of Indian tribes.

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